Neil’s Notes 2009-01-06 14:45:00

This morning I was reading CNN.COM and took special notice of some pictures of President-Elect Obama's children preparing for their first day of school. In the first few pictures they appear to be an average, everyday family, backpacks and smiles, last minutes words of advice and hugs...then it all changes, you see the little one peering out the window of a limo as a motorcade takes her to school, her mother, the school principal, and the secret service detail surrounding her as they enter the building, and you think, life has certainly changed for this family. In our home we have been transitioning for several weeks, in the past week we have finally moved my wife and daughters from Florida to West Virginia, and now my children are awaiting their first day of school...transition is tough! I think that transition is useful and necessary, that it is the vehicle that moves us from what is and was into what can and will be, from the past into the present and into the future. Transition is hard, in a pregnancy it's the moment that decides if life will begin or end, will you deliver or will you die, there is pain in the choice to deliver and live, it's painful, but rewarding if you can endure the process! This week we begin a journey for the next 21 days into seeking the Lord for the new year, each day for 21 days we will read one chapter in the Gospel of John, I look forward to John 1:12 which says, "As many that received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God!" It's that process thing, transition, movement, and productivity. It's understanding that if we're going to go somewhere we've got to go somewhere! In His time...we'll get there!