outta here for a bit
I realize that some no-good thief can read this post and devise a plan to break into my house and steal all my stuff. I’ll risk it. Besides – I own nothing of value.
We’re leaving tomorrow for a missions trip to Guatemala. 7 of us representing International Orphan Support will work with children at Casa Shalom Orphanage and the Rio Bravo Feeding Center. We’re are going to do some painting and deliver some clothes and shoes and feed some hungry children. We plan to just love on some kids who really need it.
We are living out the Gospel of Jesus. For a week I get to serve. Dr. Rick Waldrop, founder of Casa Shalom and pioneer missionary said, “The Gospel is both Word and deed.” I agree. We hope to do both this week.
Next week, I’ll post some stories, pictures and maybe video.
I would appreciate your prayers. And if you’re a thief, I’ll pray that our giant Rottweiler chews your leg off!