Pastor arrested on Alaskan Airlines

Quote from internet news: A pastor is facing federal charges after he allegedly hit his wife in the head during a flight when she got upgraded and he didn't.

The incident allegedly occurred on July 2 on board an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to Anchorage, Alaska.

According to the complaint, the pastor and his wife were traveling for an event related to their ministry.

According to witnesses interviewed by Anchorage Airport Police detailed in the complaint, Holmberg asked his wife, "How the hell did you get the upgrade?" .............

I was just a little perturbed that a pastor would/could have such a problem. I understand he is an independent pastor, but things like this and the terrible incident from a Texas Pastor in the news lately causes me to look again at what is accepted/common in our world of Religion today.
Are WE Christians/COG also to the placed some have mentioned, ready to accept lies/nastiness as part of our USA society.

I guess recent incidents in the Christian World and our crazy election time cause me to roll my eyes and shake my head. I know, I am in the past, but some things, decency and common sense are still required by the Word. Simple SS knowledge.

submitted by /u/overlandhermit
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