Salvation Is Bigger Than Just A Heaven Or Hell Issue
Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
If you are a Christ follower, you were found and rescued by God. The moment you gave your life to Christ, He started a remarkable work of salvation in your life for His glory. Scripture assures us that what He has started in your life, He will complete in your life as you walk in obedience to Him.
Salvation is bigger than just a heaven or hell issue. You do an injustice to the working of God through you if you limit the work of salvation to just heaven and hell issues. Salvation involves so much more than where you will spend eternity.
God rescued more than your soul. He rescued your whole life and He is and will rescue all of nature and the universe also. He rescued all of you and wants to use ALL of you to reflect His glory to the world around you. Your entire life must point to His perfect future made complete at His second coming.
He wants to use you in the future, but not at the exclusion of the present. We are called by virtue of His gift of salvation to bring as much of the future into every area of this world as we can. For example, in the future there will be no more injustices. Therefore, where you see injustices taking place, you can act to correct them as much as possible. When you live in such a manner, you are living the future in the now and you are living salvation in its fullest sense.
Salvation is so much more than the working of God inside of you. Salvation also includes God working through you. Think on that today and I will promise you that He will speak to you and open your eyes to see more than just yourself in this world. The gift of salvation is to be shared beyond a heaven and hell issue. We are called to live salvation in its fullest sense.
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