Serious question- God’s unconditional election: I fear calling God into…

Serious question- God’s unconditional election:
I fear calling God into question, knowing that His will is good and perfect. But I am having difficulty coming to terms with Scripture stating God “Wants ALL people to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth,” but throughout the entirety of the Bible, God calls upon His elect who were set aside before the foundation of the world, that means before the existence of sin. It is written that God appointed/predestined those who He would have mercy upon and by His grace be saved.

It is clear that ALL men fall short of the glory of God simply by their very sinful nature and ALL are in need of a Savior so that they may be justified before God. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ is not by our own doing, but only God’s will. Clearly humans do not have free will to choose to whether to be saved.

Out of my ignorance, does this mean God created many people just to be destined to Hell?
Does God genuinely want all men to be saved, and yet chooses only some, the elect, to receive salvation?

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