
On This Hill

The summer breeze gently blows,Cooling the hot, humid afternoon air.I sit down in the soft, green carpetThat nature has laid under this old Oak Tree.Quietly, I contemplate.I draw deep, full breaths.And staring off into the countryside,I sigh.Have you ever stopped long enoughTo realize how far you've strayedFrom your childhood dreams?Have you ever come to the placeWhere you’d give everythingT... »

If You’re Too Busy to Duck Hunt, You’re Too Busy

Life lessons often come from the strangest places.  Recently, I had a physical condition that required a Band-Aid.  I grabbed one from the cabinet, slapped it on and went about my day.  It wasn’t until a few hours later that I noticed that this particular Band-Aid happened to be themed.  That’s right.  I was rocking […] »

Transforming Wolves

 Image Credit When we live God’s peace in the world, we show forth His lordship. The world system cannot bring peace. Only God can do that, and He did it by the cross. Love was manifested on the cross and was given to the world while we were yet sinners. When I follow the politics […] Related posts:Christ-Like In A Caesar-Like World Are You Left, Right, or…? I’m Not... »

Regardless of Your Past, You Have a Future!

Remember Paul?   Talk about a man of TRUE GRIT!  This guy was shipwrecked, beaten and left for dead, snake bitten, and thrown in prison.  He just refused to quit or be silenced.  He was one of the founding fathers of the New Testament Church and wrote about two-thirds of the New Testament portion of the […] »