
Sunday March 31: 26 Adar II

It was on this day in 1948 that Operation Nachshon, Haggadah’s first large-scale offensive began. This was a military operation designed to break the Arab siege of Jerusalem by opening the road that ran between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Furthermore, it was intended to conquer and possess the land that had been allotted to Israel […] »

Wednesday Night March 25th

Wednesday Night March 25th

Pastor Bill Coble The Doctrine of the Church I. Jesus Built the Church- Matthew 16:18 II. The Church is Called- Ekklesia or Called Out Ones III. The Church is a Community- Kiona or Assembly, Community »

Monday March 25: 20 Adar II

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m going to tell you something that you’ve never heard before.” Or, “I’m going to present something in a way like you’ve never heard it before.” Or, “God has given me revelation and only to me and if you’re going to hear what God is saying right now, then […] »

Wednesday Evening March 3rd

Wednesday Evening March 3rd

The Connection Between The Rapture and The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Hebrews 2:3 Dr. Bill Coble, Pastor The Escape- The Rapture The Confirming of the Word- The Holy Spirit and His Power The Connection- Not Neglecting our Salvation- Prayer »