
Israel’s Destiny :: By Terry James

Author’s note: The article presented here was written some years ago. It was at that time and continues to be meant to inform the Jewish people of their God-ordained destiny. Because God’s Word is absolutely true, the matters involving His chosen nation have not been proven to have fallen by the wayside of history. God’s […] The post Israel’s Destiny :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Rea... »

Advent! :: By Terry James

Christmastime, celebrating the birth of Jesus, is for us a joyous occasion. Christ’s first coming to Earth to be the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world must have been, however, for His Father, an excruciating matter beyond any human ability to fathom. Only the unfathomable love of God could condescend to meet humankind’s […] The post Advent! :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Rea... »

With Love and Sympathy :: By Terry James

Our love and sympathy to Dr. Larry Spargimino, host of Southwest Radio Church radio and TV. His wife, Jennifer, was killed in an accident involving a driver who was intoxicated. Jennifer, like Larry, was my dear friend of many, many years. Jennifer was an ethnic Chinese, and she and Larry have ministered to the Chinese […] The post With Love and Sympathy :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture... »

Peace, Be Still :: By Terry James

Authors note: Today’s lengthy article is from a chapter I wrote many years ago for one of my books. I find stage-setting for fulfillment has progressed to this time (2023) in a way that validates God’s prophetic Word, from which I derived conclusions back in that earlier time. We can be sure. Jesus Christ will […] The post Peace, Be Still :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Ready. »