Month: March 2022

And it begins. RT @cnnbrk: Iran requests Suez passage 4 warships, putting Egypt n awkward position w Israel #ourCOG

And it begins. RT @cnnbrk: Iran requests Suez passage 4 warships, putting Egypt n awkward position w Israel #ourCOG »

The Rebirth of Maranatha – PART 2

The Rebirth of Maranatha – PART 2

Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »

Keep Praying

Keep Praying

Life places lables on us. It’s inevitable. Some are good and some are bad. Some are positive and some are negative. Some are out of our control but just like Jabez in the Bible, we don’t have to accept the labels as God’s final word for our lives. When we have the faith to pray big prayers, God has the power to do big miracles. »

@Dustin_Bates @ScottMagdalein @mirandaleanne19 NEW POST: The Land of Pentecostals |… #ourCOG

@Dustin_Bates @ScottMagdalein @mirandaleanne19 NEW POST: The Land of Pentecostals |… #ourCOG »