For me, the purpose of Christian apologetics is To bring…

For me, the purpose of Christian apologetics is To bring people to The True Knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is done to clear doubt and confusion of knowledge and at the same time sharing the love of Christ for people to have adequate and appropriate information to make their decisions.
The information we present (the Word) is the seed that Holy Spirit brood upon to convict those who have not experienced the light of Christ. And for those who have, an opportunity to understand and grow in Christ.
We can convince people but we can’t convict people because Conviction is done only by Holy Spirit.

So our responsibility is to study, know and understand the scriptures and all knowledge possible, be full of God’s Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit (love, patience etc) to share the Gospel at all levels and at any given opportunity, to inform and convince people that what we have (Christ) is the Only Saviour and the Only way out for Mankind.

Let’s keep spreading the Love of God through our defence and sharing of the Gospel.

May the Peace of Christ be with us all.
EAM, 2020

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