Throwback Thursday: CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH PLANTING DESIGNATED FUND and Church Planting Initiative QUESTIONS
A designated church planting fund be established, with guidelines for securing and disbursing monies, to serve as a church planting "bank" from which matching funds loans may be disbursed as funds are available to approved church planters who have met all established pre-requisites. Furthermore, financial streams be developed to seed and grow the CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH PLANTING DESIGNATED FUND with the goal of developing residual funding for perpetually assisting church planting. Further that this measure be inserted as an addition to the MINUTES CHURCH OF GOD BOOK OF DISCIPLINE, CHURCH ORDER, AND GOVERNANCE, where appropriate in order to secure the priority, establishment and longevity of the CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH PLANTING DESIGNATED FUND.
This motion is presented with the intention of developing a church planting bank for the perpetual funding of church planting in the Church of God. This “bank” will be established as the Church of God Church Planting Designated Fund. As prospective church planting pastors complete an application, assessment, training and approval process there is a need to fund the new church plant. This fund will provide a process by which a church planter can receive a matching fund loan to assist with launching a new church. Loans will be repaid into the CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH PLANTING DESIGNATED FUND to replenish the fund for additional church planting.
As you can see below, I have posted my church planting proposal to the Executive Council for consideration for the General Assembly 2010 Agenda. It will not be on the Agenda, but has been referred to a study commission headed by Tim Hill. I spoke with him yesterday and began some good dialogue that I have been asked to continue with the other members of the study commission.
I would like to employ the readers of this board in helping me “perfect” and “flesh-out” this proposal. Again, you can read the whole thing here.
Please respond to the following concerns (and any others you can think of):
- Since we are only at the beginning of the TOT reduction, is this proposal premature?
- Is the matching funds proponent (local and state) a positive idea?
- Should the funds be designated for a church plant/satellite and then sent to the state office for distribution or should it simply be reduced out of the monthly TOT check?
- Should there be a cap (financial or time) on how much (or how long) you can give to a particular church plant/satellite? The only reason I ask this is so that local churches do not end up diverting tithes to a church that is not in the “planting” phase.
- Finally, should I wait to see if the Executive Council will put this proposal on the 2012 Agenda, or should I submit it to the floor of the General Assembly through the motions committee?