
20 questions! đŸ€”

96 20 questions! đŸ€” Brand new release from Dr. Skip Jenkins!<!-- ... »

Are Simple Questions The Most Challenging? #shorts

Are Simple Questions The Most Challenging? #shorts

Are simple questions the most challenging? #question #simple #prayer »

The Conundrum of Unasked Questions :: By Dave Hubley

(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion.) For most of us who have received Jesus Christ as our personal [
] The post The Conundrum of Unasked Questions :: By Dave Hubley appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Seven Questions We Did Not Hear from Pastors Five Years Ago

It is clichĂ© to say the landscape of church ministry has changed in the past five years, but it is most definitely true. While COVID is often the explanation for these changes, the reality is that they would have taken place anyway. COVID simply accelerated and exacerbated the changes. We at Church Answers see those... The post Seven Questions We Did Not Hear from Pastors Five Years Ago appeared f... »