" ALL THESE WEARY ONES " My bible reading today…

” ALL THESE WEARY ONES ” My bible reading today was in Isa. 50, I paused on verse 4 and eventually pulled out several translations as it was so rich, so needed in the CoG as well as all churches. Here it is in the TLB. ” The Lord has given me his words of wisdom so that I may know what I should say to all these weary ones.” one version says ” these bruised reeds ” surely we know that the CoG has its share of bruised reeds in its pews and yet weary though they may be they are often not getting the word that relieves their weariness nor heals their bruises. I hate to say it but too often the sermon feels more like salt being rubbed in or if not that then something about doctrine or prophecy which tends to add weight to the spirit. However one needs to have a deep understanding to relieve weariness. ” Morning by morning … he opens my understanding to his will.” This says to me that that God is speaking to the moment.. the now! This Dec. many of your weary ones are falling into the trap of overspending, your word of wisdom might keep them from getting bruised. Your word might be recieved by your own family and later they will appreciate your word of wisdom.

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