Doctrine and Polity Committee Posts Latest Topic
The Church of God Doctrine and Polity Committee has released the latest in its series of documents that address contemporary, cultural, and theological issues. The latest topic to be addressed deals with the implications of the act of suicide.
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‘Bless Your Pastor’ Tour to Address Challenges for Pastors, Churches
As part of the National Association of Evangelicals’ (NAE) Financial Health initiative, Brian Kluth, national spokesperson, will travel to over 100 cities across America on the Bless Your Pastor Tour to encourage greater financial health and generosity of churches and pastors.
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America’s First Inauguration to be Celebrated
Reverend Merrie Turner, hostess of the “Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast” stated, “We celebrate this providential date of April 30 of the first Inauguration of an American President, when George Washington was elected as Commander in Chief of the United States of America at Federal Hall in New York City in 1789.”
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