I have written so many notes into my Amplified note…

I have written so many notes into my Amplified note…

I have written so many notes into my Amplified note takers Bible that’s literally the only book I even have time to read, & rightly so. There is just so much to write to understand what it says. My sources are Paul Washer, John MacArthur at Grace to You, J. Warner Wallace at Cold-Case Christianity, Frank Turek at CrossExamined & InspiringPhilosophy. My notes include,
1) the cultural mindset of the time,
2) the issue the audience was dealing with,
3. the meanings behind certain words
4. A commentary or two
5. Can it be applied to us today, if yes, how?
How is going with you when it comes to understanding what you’re reading in the SCRIPTURES?

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