If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he…

If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he…

If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he should be able to answer these questions.

It appears that Muslims are caught in the Islamic trap of the fallacy of circular reasoning, as it appears they are following the words of Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, a man claiming that God spoke to him which is nothing more of a credulous claim from an unsupported single source, yet this type of claim calls to question the validity of such a man.

So one should ask him whom appeals to such an argument the following questions.

God validated prophets in the past by one of three ways, by either

(A) speaking to the prophets audibly, and the prophets speaking directly back to God in front of the people.

So the logical question is this:

Did Allah validate the prophethood of Muḥammad by speak directly to him audibly in front of the people so that they heard Allah speaking?

If so where is the authentic evidence?

Did anyone see allah speaking to Muḥammad?

Did anyone witness the angel in the cave speaking to Muḥammad, if so where is the authentic evidence?

If no, then how would anyone know what was recited to Muḥammad and from Muḥammad are the same if there were no eyewitness?

(B) God granted the ability for the prophet to perform miracles. Please show us from the Qur’an a single miracle that Muḥammad performed?

Please make sure any claims of miracles he provides don’t contradict the claim in the Qur’an that Muḥammad performed no miracles!!

(C) God granted the prophets the ability to prophesy the future, and these prophets did not cause people to go after false gods!

Can anyone show us from the Qur’an where Muḥammad prophesied?
🙂 .

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