October 8

In the Acts 16 passage, Paul’s joy was to receive the most unusual test. Now if I’m in prison, there’s an earthquake, the chains fall off my arms and legs and the door flings open, I’m saying, “Jehovah Jireh—God has provided for me again.” I’m out of there as fast as you can imagine because it’s obvious it’s the will of God. “Praise God! My worship worked again. It shook that thing.”

But not Paul. He’s worshiping God, and the earthquake comes that is so powerful it knocks chains off his wrists and feet and knocks them to the ground. The doors fling open and Paul senses, “I wasn’t a prisoner when I was put in here. And those doors opening don’t make me more free. I smell harvest. I smell some fish that are about to be caught. And since my primary goal in life is to catch fish, I’m going to stay in the most unusual fishing hole I’ve ever been in. Uh, sir, about to kill yourself? You’ll notice that we’re all here.” That was enough of a witness. The guard had to know the same Jesus. He surrendered immediately to Christ, and his entire family got saved. There is something endearing and fruitful about supernatural joy.