Origins of the Universe, Life, Mind, Information and Life are…

Origins of the Universe, Life, Mind, Information and Life are…

Origins of the Universe, Life, Mind,
Information and Life are miracles but big Mysteries for atheism because their fake worldview cannot explain it.

According to scientists from two western universities (Brussels and John Hopkins) , the probability of life arriving by chance, and randomness doesn’t exists when is calculated at 10^79 trillions (power)
In Science probabilities over 10^50 are considered irrational.

Details at:

Allan Sandage, who was widely regarded to have been the greatest living cosmologist (until his death in 2010), put it:
“I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing.”

Mystery of Information:

In order to help understand this difficult subject, I’m posting a video about origins ot life with James Tour: (a scientist with 120 patents, one of the 50 most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by in 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine in 2013):

The case for God is not a case of the God of the gaps

The case for God is not a case of the God of the gaps

A universe from nothing

Why the “Universe from Nothing” is a Non-Starter — Quest

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