Our Cry Is Not, “Why?” Our Cry Is, “How Long?”

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Revelation 6:10 (NKJV)
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

There is coming a day that every known and unknown part of the universe will breathe a final sign of freedom. God’s perfect fullness will flood the earth as the waters cover the sea. The kingdoms of this world offered by Satan at the temptation of Jesus will fully and forever become the kingdoms of the Father and of Christ our Lord.

Revelation 21 will become reality as heaven and earth renewed will be forever and justly ruled under the righteousness of Christ. Humanity will be embraced with complete and perfect love as God makes His dwelling among His creation. Evil will be no more.

The redeemed of God will live in the perfect reality that God had intended all along for His creation. History shows us the great price paid for the guarantee of God’s glories eternal future. That history I write off is the cross and resurrection of Jesus.

The accomplished work and love of Christ has opened the beauty of eternity to all who will trust and believe in His finished work. We don’t have to live our lives asking, “Why is evil permitted to continue?” We can, because of the cross and resurrection, ask, “How long?” To the latter question I can hear the whisper of the Spirit, “Not long; not long.”

Romans 8:23 teaches that creation is not alone in its groaning for final redemption. We, the body of Christ as the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan also as we eagerly wait for our adoption, which is the redemption of our bodies. We long to be born fully into what we were always meant to be. We are saved. We are being saved. We will forever be saved.

Our cry is not, “Why?” Our cry is, “How long?”

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