Pentecostal Theological Seminary Joins Send Light to the Cities
Acting on an invitation to speak at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary during an emphasis on missions, World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis presented the Send the Light to the Cities project during a chapel at the seminary. He spoke for a time as to how the Lord opened his mind and heart to focus on these urban areas where the most people are gathered.
Blayne Waltrip, long-time missionary and teacher on missions, acted in accord with Dr. Michael Baker, Chancellor of the Division of Education for the Church of God, to fulfill the emphasis for the school.
Dr. Griffis explained the strengths and needs of each of the cities to the students and faculty. He declared, “We will evangelize the cities, and will plant birthing churches that will train and send pastors to plant other birthing churches.” In the subsequent message, Griffis directed attention to the “risen Savior.”
At the close of the service, Dr. Baker addressed how the Seminary would invest in the Send the Light to the Cities endeavor. He asked the students and faculty to unite in giving $1,000 for each of the 10 cities in the initial presentation of the project. Dr. Baker further cited how investing in worldwide ministry would be a blessing for the ministry of the Seminary.