PROTECTING YOUR POSSESSIONS My son has been asking for a pet…


My son has been asking for a pet beta fish for some time now and the obstacle to that is that my wife has two cats. One is very docile (male) and the other (female) is a curious, into-everything, and would fish the beta out and eat it type cat. We also have a dog (MinPin) that keeps the female cat out of his part of the house.


We decided to take the plunge and purchase a beta fish for our son. The dog is it’s protection during the day, but we have to move the fish bowl into a room and shut the door (protect from the cat) to ensure its safety.

 I said all of that to say this..

            What do you do to protect your witness?

                same with your calling? your gifts? your salvation?

What do you do to protect the talents that God has trusted into your care?

What do you do to protect the coins that God has trusted into your care?

What do you do to protect the people (souls) that God has trusted into your care?

and the list goes on…

I have been bothered by the latest trends that have been introduced into some churches and understand that it is just a sign of the times. However, in 1962 (before I was born) the church stood by and let them take prayer out of school. The church now is standing by and letting them approve gay marriages, soon they may reword the pledge of allegiance and take God out of it, too.


God is disappearing in our nation, in our world, in our society. My question to God’s people is this:

When the Godless (sinners) look at you, what do they see?

Ø      Is God disappearing in your life too?

Ø      If sinners were able to chronologically lay out your life, are your drawing closer to God or creating distance to be part of the IN crowd?

 God thank you for keeping this in my mind and helping me to strengthen my witness to the world around me. May I always be drawing closer to You and being Your servant.

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