SL2C – São Paulo, Brazil

The metropolis of São Paulo is the most populous city not only in Brazil, but the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, as well. It’s current population now stands at 12.11 million. São Paulo is also considered the most multicultural city in Brazil with approximately 2.3 million immigrants arriving from all parts of the world (1870 to 2010). What a tactical location for a Send the Light to the Cities training center! Leadership training and discipleship is sorely lacking in this global city.

Besides being the wealthiest city in Brazil, the name of the city honors Paul of Tarsus. A cosmopolitan melting pot, São Paulo is home to the largest Jewish population in the country. Unfortunately, crime is a serious problem within her borders, but crime rates, such as homicide, have been steadily declining for eight years.

The Church of God in São Paulo is fulfilling its responsibilities in assisting with developments of the SL2C project. International World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes recently visited São Paulo, inspiring the pastors and leadership. The leadership gathers monthly to pray for the progress of the collaborative venture. Primary focus is planting churches with each established church planting a “daughter” church; Bishop Bruno Tomaz is already actively engaged in this method.

Regional Superintendent Bishop Dr. Expedito de Melo is enthusiastic and eager to see the fruit that will be brought about by their efforts for the FINISH Commitment through Send the Light to the City.

Project #102-9435-010