
Rachel Held Evans has had a great impact upon the…

Rachel Held Evans has had a great impact upon the…

Rachel Held Evans has had a great impact upon the Church of God’s liberal feminism and anti-Trump hatred. She attends an Episcopal Church in Cleveland. In September 2008, Evans signed with Zondervan for her first book, Evolving in Monkey Town.[5] The book explores her journey from religious certainty to a faith which accepts doubt and questioning; the title is based on the Scopes Monkey Tria... »

Interview with Mike Evans | Jentezen Franklin

Interview with Mike Evans | Jentezen Franklin

http://youtu.be/KTM_V3xRy5Y Dr. Mike Evans was born to a Jewish mother and an abusive, alcoholic father who professed Christianity. Dr. Evans’ father viciously and regularly beat him, choked him, and cursed him. His mother taught him to despise all Christians. Dr. Evans was bound by fear, anger, and hatred, until He came face to face with Jesus Christ… This is “Interview with Mike Evans̶... »

“Interview with Mike Evans” with Jentezen Franklin

“Interview with Mike Evans” with Jentezen Franklin

http://youtu.be/GAGBcMPOiYA Dr. Mike Evans was born to a Jewish mother and an abusive, alcoholic father who professed Christianity. Dr. Evans’ father viciously and regularly beat him, choked him, and cursed him. His mother taught him to despise all Christians. Dr. Evans was bound by fear, anger, and hatred, until He came face to face with Jesus Christ… This is “Interview with Mike Evans̶... »

Chapel January 25, 2018 | Ashley Evans

Chapel January 25, 2018 | Ashley Evans
