
October Upcoming Events

October Upcoming Events

Latest from Perry Stone Ministries Upcoming Events - New Resources October 2011 In This Issue Fire on the Altar Book Hosting TBN Reformation W... »

Shall They Cast Out Demons?

Michael J. Dies Can believers be possessed, or demonized, by evil spirits? According to the article “They Shall Cast Out Demons” by Maureen Eha in the May 2000 issue of Charisma, the answer is yes. The article begins with the story of a woman who was afflicted by fear all of her life, along with   Read More ... »

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 21/31

“The wonder of the world is not excited by the phenomena of the penitent bench but by what happens at the ordinary workbench in the subsequent days.”_ Warren W. Wiersbe, Classic Sermons on The Church  Numbers 10:21 “Then the Kohathites set out, carrying the holy things.  (The tabernacle would be prepared for their arrival.)” The [...] »

Darrell Glen Vaughn, Chickamauga, Ga.

Rev. Darrell Glen Vaughn, a pastor and ordained bishop from Chickamauga, Ga., passed away on September 5, 2021. The post Darrell Glen Vaughn, Chickamauga, Ga. appeared first on Church Of God. »