The Argument against existence of atheists Real Atheists (and atheistm)…

The Argument against existence of

Real Atheists (and atheistm) cannot Logically exist because:

P1. It’s logically impossible to get something from Nothing (no space, no time, no matter)

P2. Something exists; therefore creation from nothing cannot be rational or logically true.

P3. A real Atheist cannot Logically exist, because, it’s existence it’s impossible; nothing can never (logically and rationally) produce something.

P4. No true Atheist can Logically exist because its only explanation for it’s existence is self creation from nothing. (Impossible)

P5. A Real Atheists cannot exist (as rational or logical beings), because they cannot arrive at the present from nothing.

P6. The atheist’s claim or belief is illogical, irrational, and impossible, because he needs an infinite, (God like attributes), in order to to check the whole universe and beyond, (Omnipresent-at the same time), before his claim can be accepted as true.

No real atheists can Logically exist!
Logic cannot be falsified using Logic, because it’s incorporated in everything, and valid in all possible worlds.

⁃ Will and desires cannot be truth claims
⁃ Claiming something doesn’t mean the statement is automatically true.
⁃ An illusion or a simulation are not Logical options, because an illusion cannot have an illusion…

If Something exists now, and nothing existed before, it has to be (Logically necessary Being) an eternal, intelligent. personal Being, between nothing and something, otherwise nothing can logically exists now.
The non existence of the Necessary Bring is impossible. Only a single Necessary Being can Logically exists.

An illusion or a simulation are not Logical options, because an illusion cannot have an illusion…

The journey from nothing to something:
1. A Necessary Being-Eternal First Cause;(God); is beyond Space, Time, and Matter.
2. Non being-Nothing
3. Becoming: Contingent on the First Cause (universe, Life…)

A Universe from Non being-Motion-Life was Created and is maintained by God

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