37. I am thankful for HISTORY…

Ten years ago today, I moved from Cleveland, Tennessee to Chicago, Illinois. And what a ride it has been!

Four dwelling places, two churches, six different employers (including my present one), two very minor surgeries and one major surgery, nine years wearing contact lenses--and now back to glasses, a MULTITUDE of people who love me....gaining about 20 lbs, and losing 15 of them, only to gain them back....what a great adventure this has been!

And TGIF: Today, God is Faithful.....He has been faithful to me throughout the last ten years....there have been times of fear and depression and concern....But there has also been many times of great rejoicing, great worship to the LORD, and great fellowship with so many people who dearly love me, and I dearly love them.

Many tears, but triple that amount in laughter....

Yes, I'm thankful for history....