Oh I Want to See Him!

Yesterday we talked about David's craving and how we too should have a craving for the Lord. Today I want to go a little deeper and discuss how we should better identify the craving. In Psalms 63:2, David tells us more about his craving when he says, "to see your glory and your power, as I have seen you in the sanctuary." David at this time in his life is living in the wilderness. He does not have the opportunity to run to church everytime the doors are open because he is running from Saul and it could be dangerous for his life. David is looking back on the times church where the presence of God showed up and moved in a noticable way. David is longing to be in God's presence. David is wanting what he experienced in church to be experienced in his personal life as well. Too many of us only know God's presence in the church house setting. Too many of us engage in worship only when we are in church. However, one of the greatest aspects of the cross is that we can now experience God everyday in our personal settings. If we will venture out in prayer, praise, and worship, His presence will fill the environment around us. We do not have to wait for Sunday, or a revival, or even a Campmeeting! We can now, through faith in Christ, experience what David longed for. There is an old hymn entitled, "Oh I Want to See Him." This is one of my favorite old hymns. The third verse of the song says, "When in valleys low I look t'ward the mountain height, and behold my Savior there, leading in the fight, with a tender hand outstretched t'ward the valley low, guiding me, I can see, as I onward go." I can not help but believe that this is how David felt. He is in the valley of life, but as he looks toward the mountain he can see in his faith God standing there leading him in his fight. I want to see God and His glory in my personal life as well. May we as believers long for His presence everyday. God bless.