
Dimensional Deceivers :: By Terry James

The committee member, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett (R), spoke bluntly: “We’ve been dealing [with government cover-ups] since 1947, probably since about 1897 in what was the Aurora Texas UFO crash.” He said further, “[Extraterrestrial craft] can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen defy physics as we know it. They can fly […] The post Dimensional Deceivers :: By Terry James app... »

Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James

I’m thankful to be able to offer Rapture Ready Family members another opportunity to participate in a missionary effort. A long-time pastor friend in Pakistan, Pastor Anil Jasper, is using my Sunday School quarterly-size book Prophecy Power: Strength From God To Face Your Future to reach pastors and teachers in his region of the world […] The post Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James ... »

Going Blind :: By Terry James

Author’s note: This was posted in 2019 as my testimony about the Lord’s dealing with this weak vessel in His Wonderful Way of Steering His children in Directions He Desires rather than the ways the fallen mind wants us to wander. I sense it is a good time to re-submit the article. –Thus prayerfully hoping […] The post Going Blind :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Prophecy Watchers Program: New World Conspiracy with Terry James

If you’re a student of Bible prophecy, the words New World Order are no doubt quite familiar. Their plans for our collective future have us and our fellow prophecy watchers on high alert today. Our global masters are moving us closer and closer to their ultimate goals, a one-world government, a one-world monetary system, and […] The post Prophecy Watchers Program: New World Conspiracy with Terry J... »