Tough Questions about the Rapture

Tough Questions about the Rapture

Voice of Evangelism Newsletter
Latest News
March 2011

  I am excited about our new book on VISIONS and DREAMS that is near completion and will be included in the next series on Manna-Fest.


Watch for this next offer on Interpreting Dreams which will include the new book along with a special  audio CD of Fred Stone and Dr. T.L. Lowery that will truly bless you!


We will share more on this very soon! Be watching!

This newsletter includes a response to many inquiries that I've recently received. On Monday evening a special television program aired in which 3 end-time prophecy speakers shared different views on the topic of Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation.  Following this program we received several calls and questions concerning this broadcast. While the views and opinions shared on this topic were informative, it left many confused and searching for biblical answers.

It would require in-depth teaching and correspondence to attempt to answer many questions on this much debated topic.  However, I do have a powerful resource DVD founded on scripture that answers many questions on this subject. The DVD is entitled, " Tough Questions about the Rapture." More about this DVD is available below in this newsletter for those that may be interested. 

We just concluded our prophetic conference in Griffin, Georgia where we experienced a great outpouring and saw souls saved and lives changed! We are truly living in the last days and experiencing a hunger and thirst for knowledge and a desire for more of the power of God. We are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of casting the net and sharing the good news.   

Thank you for your prayers for us and for this ministry. The time is short and we must work while it is day! We desire to do all that we can to follow the will of the Lord.  May you be blessed in the Lord and encouraged that He is the resurrection and the life!  

Perry Stone, Jr.


DV135-Tough Questions about the Rapture


This DVD teaching that was mentioned previously in this newsletter is from a 6-part "Pre-Tribulation Rapture Series" that aired on Manna-Fest. The topics shared on this DVD include:


Part 1: The Revelation of the Catching Away

Part 2: The Rapture: Revelation of the Great Assembly

Part 3: Old Testament Proof of the Coming Christ

Part 4: The Rapture-To Be or Not to Be

Part 5: Bible Evidence for a Pre-Tribulation Catching Away

Part 6: Explaining the Mystery of the 7th Trumpet


DV135 Tough Questions about the Rapture - CLICK HERE 


Griffin Georgia Prophetic Conference


We do have a limited quantity of CD and DVD albums remaining from the Griffin Georgia Conference available from the website for those that may be interested. You may use the following links to the website to purchase these or contact the ministry center at 423-478-3456 to request the Griffin CD or DVD albums.


CD-Griffin Georgia Album $60 


DVD- Griffin Georgia Album $110 


Currently on Manna-Fest  ML-90

Currently on Manna-Fest we are sharing a powerful teaching on "BREAKING the MILLENNIAL CODE."  This is a powerful new DVD teaching on the Millennial Kingdom; the events before, during and after the 1,000-year reign of Christ.   


More info 


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Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries
The Ministry of Perry Stone, Jr.