
Books, Doctors, The Rapture, and Evangelism :: By Jim Towers

Let me begin by making a rash statement, and that is that everyone seems to think they are right about everything. That makes it hard to take things at face value from others. In other words, we tend to think that we are the only ones to possess the ultimate truth. But truth be told, […] The post Books, Doctors, The Rapture, and Evangelism :: By Jim Towers appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James

Author’s note: This article was posted originally on Raptureready.com on March 7, 2016. It is re-posted here because some of the same concerns as back then are being expressed through emails and in other ways. My response remains the same because God’s Plan in regard to the Rapture hasn’t changed. We have looked a number […] The post Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Read... »

Will The Rapture Be Today? :: By Nathele Graham

For some reason, the Rapture is a very controversial subject. Scripture gives many signs of it happening, but many people seem to discount it or argue about the timing. Although it’s a blessing from God, the Rapture isn’t for everybody. The only people who will be taken away from the final seven years of earth […] The post Will The Rapture Be Today? :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture R... »

Biblical Audio Commentary: After Rapture Dilemma :: By Gary W. Ritter

If you’re like me, perhaps you’ve thought about your financial situation in light of what happens after the Rapture. Frankly, I’ve never seen anyone else discuss this, but I’ve personally considered it a number of times over the years. If you don’t thi... »