
Call to be a Missionary

PneumaReview.com speaks with Dave Johnson about the publication of his book, Answering God’s Call: Reflections of a Veteran Missionary in Asia.   Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you came to understand that the Lord was calling you into missi... »

Paul C. Pitt – The Missionary We Never Knew

Paul C. Pitt’s mission was one of behind-the-scenes—he was never really seen because of his unique circumstances. Paul was born in Germany in 1882, but lived in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from an early age and was raised as a strict Catholic. Upon being healed of a serious heart condition and a debilitated foot in [...] »

Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James

I’m thankful to be able to offer Rapture Ready Family members another opportunity to participate in a missionary effort. A long-time pastor friend in Pakistan, Pastor Anil Jasper, is using my Sunday School quarterly-size book Prophecy Power: Strength From God To Face Your Future to reach pastors and teachers in his region of the world […] The post Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James ... »


This booklet is designed to help elders to evaluate the qualifications for both a home and foreign missionary.  It is  also useful for the churches that sponsor a military chaplain. As the introduction states it is expected that the sending church will use these guidelines with the candidate to determine the suitability of the candidate for ARBCA supported missions. INTRODUCTION Just before he die... »