
Having An Altar (Prayer Closet) At Home :: By Keith Watts

Having An Altar (Prayer Closet) At Home :: By Keith Watts

The link to the message is below https://youtu.be/pnyXKMWnQFA Matthew 6:6 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward th... »


WITH NO OTHER facilities available to the Holiness Churches, J.C. and Melissa Murphy agreed to host the first Assembly in their mountain home. Melissa Murphy actually owned the home, which she had inherited from her first husband. The house was located at the edge of a forest with evergreen pine trees highlighting an otherwise barren winter landscape. The front room of the rustic house was transfo... »

Assistant to Children’s Home Director, Concord, N.C.

The Children’s Home of North Carolina is seeking an Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director in the management and operation of the campus and Children’s Home. BA degree required. Experience […] The post Assistant to Children&#821... »

And it all begins at home

“When my time is up all I ask for is to get married and be able to be with my … »