When God Taps You On The Shoulder
When you get that tap what will you do? I got that tap on the shoulder on April 26, 2005. Almost 8 years exact to the day, I have made a decision to resign from my place of employment to enter full time ministry.
I will be stepping into the river as Joshua instructed the priests before they crossed the river to enter the promised land. We are trusting God to do His miraculous work through our lives for His glory and Kingdom. I've thought about this moment for years and it didn't play out the way I thought it would. He made it reality in only the way He could ... AMAZINGLY! The announcement to the church was made last Sunday on Vision Sunday. Watch it here:
When I committed my life for ministry, I said, "I don't know when, where, how but He will lead." He has been preparing me through learning experiences in life, ministry, and employment at a large and growing multi-ethnic church (Bethlehem Assembly of God).
An excerpt from the always-in-process ministry manifesto:
"The selection, call, and results will all be because of His grace. Charles Spurgeon said it well, “I always say to young fellows who consult me about the ministry, ‘Don't be a minister if you can help it,’ because if the man can help it, God never called him. But if he cannot help it, and he must preach or die, then he is the man.” There is a passion God is burning inside of me to plant churches that minister to all people. My intention is not to be successful, but I want to be effective. God will take care of the success-factor. I remember Dr. Wallace Sibley stating at our ministerial commissioning service, “God didn’t call us to be successful but He called us to be faithful.” I have been called to live my life with a real-time awareness and consciousness of God. There has to be a dream and a purpose behind anything we do for the Lord. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) I want to be faithful to God’s vision in and for my life.
God has been and is doing a great work in my personal life. My beautiful, loving, and discerning wife, Sherin is a tremendous blessing to me in life and ministry. God blessed us with two precious daughters, Abigail and Kayla.
I believe that everything that is happening in my life in these days is leading me to the ultimate step of faith of stepping out into the full-time ministry. He is moving all the pieces of the puzzle around me into place and in His time, He will move me into the right place according to His will. The life I have enjoyed literally and figuratively growing up in the church is a blessing for me and my family."
Enjoying The Ride,
Pastor Cee