
Alexander Honored with Spirit of Azusa Award

Alexander Honored with Spirit of Azusa Award ... »

#ourCOG official hashtag movement

This is the official archive of the #ourcog hashtag grass-root movement for change and equity  It was the 2009 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been realized and embraced internationa... »

A Vision Realized 2022

A Vision Realized 2022

NEW ourCOG APP: GET IT on the official Google Droid app PLAY STORE It was the 2010 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been reali... »

Andrew Towe | Omega Center International

Andrew Towe | Omega Center International

Live from Omega Center International, Andrew Towe will be speaking. If you enjoy the message we put out, make sure to subscribe to our channel. Omega Center International is an Evangelical convention center in Cleveland, TN, that is home to the Ramp at OCI. Make sure to watch our live streams Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Follow us on Facebook at the Ramp at OCI for more information. If you would like to g... »