
Joe Biden White House Unveils Plan To Borrow $16 Trillion Dollars Which Is Actually Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Destroy America

The budget plan President Joe Biden unveiled on Monday would hike taxes, increase federal spending to unprecedented levels, and lock in budget deficits that average nearly $2 trillion annually for the next decade. For many years now, NTEB readers and listeners have been told, and warned, about something called the Cloward-Piven Strategy to destroy America, […] The post Joe Biden White House Unveil... »

SPECIAL ALERT – Passing of Christopher Charles White

SPECIAL ALERT - Passing of Christopher Charles White ... »

Larry E. Frazier, White Pine, Tenn.

Rev. Larry E. Frazier, a retired ordained minister from White Pine, Tenn., passed away on May 23, 2023. The post Larry E. Frazier, White Pine, Tenn. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Church of God General Overseer Robert White was born on…

Church of God General Overseer Robert White was born on…

Church of God General Overseer Robert White was born on this day in 1934 in the farming community of Richton, Mississippi. After serving in many fields of ministry, White reflected, “Never allow the landscape of this earth to blind you to the heavenly landscape. In other words, work on earth as if there is no tomorrow, but keep your eyes focused on the heavenlies that are filled with all of your t... »