
My response to the TNCOG campmeeting sermon tonight! I'm a…

My response to the TNCOG campmeeting sermon tonight! I’m a partial preterist in my eschatology however we are delivered from wrath (wrath to come) and we will not come through the wrath in our experiences smelling like heaven! We smell like heaven because of the righteousness of Christ. If we allow ourselves to be deceived by the dominionist and kingdom now preachers we will only come out sm... »

Preached on the 7 churches of Revelation last night – tonight is RAPTURE time #ourCOG

Preached on the 7 churches of Revelation last night - tonight is RAPTURE time #ourCOG »

Ladies meeting speaker at general assembly tonight

Ladies meeting speaker at general assembly tonight

Ladies meeting speaker at general assembly tonight »

COG In Christ Service tonight.

COG In Christ Service tonight. »