1 Apr 2024

The Hour Is Late


Demon-possessed Woman Manifests at J.D. Farag’s Church as He Preaches About the Tribulation and End Times. While Pastor Farag was preaching a sermon on Palm Sunday, an obviously demon-possessed woman began screaming continuously, calling him a liar, etc. (1:50 mark).

Landmarks across the world switched off lights to mark Earth Hour, part of environmental movement spearheaded by World-Wide Fund for Nature.

Corporate-communist elites want to eliminate farmers, replace meat and dairy products w/lab-grown synthetics & insect-based products. Jeff Bezos is pumping $60 million into advancing this effort. He joins Bill Gates & WEF in this plan, a globalist effort to seize control of the food supply.

Scientists developed method to “create” artificial human chromosomes. The hope is revolutionizing gene therapy & other biotechnology applications. The aim since Earth Summit in 1992 has been, under guise of biological diversity, genetic manipulation of any/all living creatures & creation of synthetic DNA that doesn’t currently exist in nature.


U.S. taxpayers funding anti-American mosque in Michigan, over $350,000 to the Islamic Center of America, which eulogized a member of a terrorist organization that has killed hundreds of U.S. citizens.

Edwin Wagensveld of Europe’s Anti-Islamization Movement Urges Americans to Stop Sharia Takeover While They Still Can.

Britain Conquered? Pakistani Flag Flown from Westminster Abbey During Holy Week.

Ramadan Conquest, Canada: Nestlé’s KitKat ‘Iftar Bars’ & Western Cultural Erosion. Launch of Nestlé’s KitKat Iftar Bars: Western corporations promoting Islamization of nations for profit.

Conquered Italy: Islamic Migrants Assert Power, Convert Catholic Places of Worship into Mosques.

Monfalcone’s struggle against Islamization of public & religious spaces highlights deeper concerns over preservation of Western heritage & assertiveness of Islamic migrant communities.


Fairfax County, Virginia: Democrats Mock Christians by Choosing Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. The only Republican was absent.

Christian US Soccer Player Apologizes After Megan Rapinoe Scolds Her for Sharing Her Beliefs. The LGBT “pride” mafia, with its characteristic blend of self-pity and mercilessness, has targeted yet another young, Christian female athlete.

Christian couple sues Washington state for denying foster care license over ‘gender ideology’ regulations requiring parents to use pronouns for children based on ‘gender identity.’


90% of Babies in U.K. Diagnosed w/Down Syndrome Were Killed in Abortions.

63% of U.S. abortions in U.S. now done with pills, abortion lobby’s efforts to circumvent state laws protecting preborn life.


California Man Arrested for Removing & “Eating” Pedestrian’s Leg Following Train Accident. He was arrested for tampering with evidence. Resendo Tellez was arrested under charges that have unsettled the community.

Evidence indicates China is killing thousands to sell their organs & is building “world’s largest DNA database” that can be used to find a living “perfect match” for an organ buyer, arrest them for dubious reasons, & kill them to sell their organs.


WHO’s proposed amendments & Pandemic Treaty will create incentives to declare pandemics. Amendments to the International Health Regulations can be adopted by a simple majority & be binding on all states unless they recorded reservations by end of last year.


School district wants administrator who can ‘examine’ presence of Whiteness: job description at St. Louis Park Public Schools ref the school district.

Slavery Reparations of $15 Billion Demanded from Broke Boston; Churches Must Tithe for Racial “Justice,” Too. If the Reparations Committee gets its way, taxpayers will pay for something they didn’t do.


Biden administration fails to file paperwork, causing 200K migrant deportation cases to be tossed.


Pawn Shop Inventories Exploding in Failing U.S. Economy. Debt levels have never been higher, delinquency rates are spiking, commercial real estate market is crashing, banking industry is in turmoil, & large companies are conducting mass layoffs. Anyone who claims the economy is in good shape is delusional. Those at the bottom of the economic food chain are being hurt most.

Liberal State declares war on small farmers & homesteaders: war on food spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering, & propaganda. It’s really about depopulation. WEF warned several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it”?

Baltimore Bridge Collapse Will Have Enormous Impact on U.S. Supply Chains. And this comes at a bad time, because Houthi missile strikes in the Red Sea & low water levels in the Panama Canal have been putting a tremendous amount of strain on global supply chains. Also see Baltimore Union Warns of Job Loss Tsunami After Bridge Collapse Paralyzes Port.

Trudeau’s electric vehicle mandate could cause Canada’s power grid to collapse . A proposed mandate to ban sale of new gasoline/diesel-only powered cars after 2035 & allow electric-only sales is an unrealistic fantasy that would cause massive chaos.

E.U. Governments Prepare for Possibility of Food Crisis. The pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, & disruptions on key shipping routes have disturbed supply chains & sent prices soaring. Erratic & extreme weather now regularly disturbs farming. Officials no longer ask when a food crisis may arrive but how many crises they can deal with at once.

Are Fears of Global Food Crisis a Harbinger of Things to Come? There is rising concern over food shortages.


Dairy cows in U.S. sickened by bird flu for first time. Dairy cows in Texas, Kansas, & New Mexico fell sick due to bird flu, the latest case of the virus spreading to mammals. Federal & state officials are working to conduct additional testing & sequence the genome of samples to better understand the situation. They claim the cattle will not need to be culled.

Surging dengue cases in Americas cause alarm as potentially worst-ever season looms. Dengue cases in the Americas rose in the first three months of this year by three times the number of infections reported in the same period last year.


California faces Easter weekend flood threat as yet another atmospheric river takes aim. Heavy rain & mountain snow will drench the state, with weather alerts for millions of residents.

Brazil: Extremely heavy rains caused deadly floods & landslides. At least nine fatalities in Rio. 270 mm (11 inches) of rain fell within 24 hours, including landslides & house collapses. The storm then dropped over 200 mm (7.8 inches) of rain within 24 hours in Espirito Santo.


Cargo ship rammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge Tuesday, causing bridge collapse & at least six deaths. Operators of Dali cargo ship issued a mayday call that the vessel had lost power moments before the crash, but the ship still headed toward the span at “at rapid speed.”


Russian Warships Enter Red Sea as Rival US-Led Coalition Patrols. Its navy sent several of its warships through Bab al-Mandab Strait & into the Red Sea at a time when Houthi attacks against international shipping is ongoing, and as the waters are patrolled by US-led military coalition.

U.S. Army Suffers 4th Apache Helicopter Incident In 2 Months. Two soldiers suffered light injuries after an Army Apache helicopter crashed during a training exercise in Colorado on Wednesday. On Monday, a mishap involving the Apache occurred in Washington state. Those two soldiers are in stable condition. Army National Guard suffered back-to-back Apache crashes Feb. 12 & 23, the latter killing two pilots. Separately, two National Guard soldiers died when their Lakota helicopter crashed in Texas on March 8.

U.S. Army Seeks Retirees to Come Back to Work Amid Manpower Crisis.

World on the brink as Taiwan admits U.S. troops now stationed on Chinese border.

Taiwan sounds alarm as 20 Chinese fighter jets & 8 warships circle island. Also see Taiwan Conducts Drills Deploying U.S. Patriot Systems in Face of Chinese Communist Party Intrusions.

Gaza Ministry of Health casualty numbers are not real. The main source for data publicized worldwide has been Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which now claims over 30,000 dead, the majority of whom it says are children & women. Biden’s regime even lent legitimacy to Hamas’ figure. But the numbers aren’t real.

Hezbollah claims to target IDF base in northern Israel w/barrage of 50 rockets on Tuesday.

Israel Unleashes Major Airstrikes on Syria & Deep Inside Lebanon on Tuesday. This marks the deepest Israeli strike inside Lebanon since the war began in the wake of Oct.7 Hamas terror attack. There were also large-scale strikes against areas of eastern Syria.

Israelis brace for ‘big war’ in the north. The former deputy head of Israel’s National Security Council said, “We need to get used to the fact that we will have to wage war on several fronts simultaneously because this is the Iranian strategy…. The question is not if but when…”

Iranian opposition leader urges U.S. to strike Iran before it acquires nuclear weapons. “Soon it will be too late.”


Great American Eclipse of 2024, Jonah & Nineveh: Connecting the Dots. What does this mean? What is the warning to America? Is God’s judgment coming? God says He will judge nations that attempt to divide Israel and the city of Jerusalem.

“Devil comet” now visible from Earth in Northern Hemisphere. The comet is also known as “Mother of Dragons.”


Rampant Practice of Mocking the Rapture Should Remind Us Time Is Running Out. As we await the appearing of our Savior Jesus (Titus 2:13), a myriad of indications show our redemption is near. We see indications in all that Israel is experiencing. The Ezekiel war must be coming in the not-too-distant future in light of developments. Add to those the move toward globalism, evil & good exchanging definitions, etc.








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