10 Aug 2023

A wildfire on Maui kills at least 6 as it sweeps through historic town, forcing some into the ocean
A wildfire tore through the heart of the Hawaiian island of Maui in darkness Wednesday, reducing much of a historic town to ash and forcing people to jump into the ocean to flee the flames. At least six people died and dozens were wounded.

‘Harry’s Razors’ Ad Features Trans Activist.
“Socially-minded” razor blades company Harry’s has partnered with a transgender social media influencer to advertise a product line raising money for The Trevor Project, which in turn promotes “pubertal suppression” drugs for minors.

At least 60 fatalities, 37 missing as severe floods continue affecting China 
At least 60 people have lost their lives and 37 others remain missing in eastern China due to widespread floods caused by heavy rains over the past 10 days. The missing people include 51 in Beijing, 28 in Hebei, 15 in Jilin, and 3 in Fujian.

Over a million evacuate as Tropical Cyclone “Khanun” threatens South Korea post havoc in Okinawa 
Tropical Cyclone “Khanun” formed on July 27, 2023, as the 7th named storm of the 2023 Pacific typhoon season. The system is already blamed for the death of 6 people in southern Japan and Taiwan. Kahun is expected to make landfall over the southern coast of South Korea around 00:00 UTC on August 10.

‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move
Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID.  Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.  Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients.  Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us?

Report: Biden Has Handed Taliban Over $2 BILLION In 2 Years 
A report by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) notes that the Biden administration has given $2.35 billion to Afghanistan over the past two years, despite the fact that it is now ruled by the Taliban again following the disastrous U.S. withdrawal in 2021.

Over 3,000 US Marines and Sailors Arrive in Middle East in Deployment Aimed at Iran
The troops are part of an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) and arrived onboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan and dock landing ship USS Carter Hall. The vessels entered the Red Sea on Sunday after transiting through the Suez Canal.

VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans)
It takes about 30 seconds to do a VAERS query that shows the COVID vaccines are deadly. The shape of the “onset curve” makes this obvious. An estimated 676,000 Americans have been killed.

People Are Raving About Mike Lindell’s Bible Story Pillows for Kids – “My 4 Grandkids Love Their Special Pillows!”
For too long, we’ve allowed Liberals to indoctrinate our children with comic book characters. Liberal comic book characters don’t always reflect our values, but there’s something worse. Liberal comic books replace in our children’s minds what Americans once held sacred: Bible stories.

In A Nod To The Apocalypse, People In Hawaii Are Hurling Themselves Into The Ocean To Escape The Raging Wildfire Flames On The Island Of Maui
The wildfires that have engulfed the island of Maui in Hawaii right now are so intense that people are running into the ocean and casting themselves in, that’s how bad it is. That imagery is very much like how things will be during the great Tribulation, when God’s physical judgement begins falling from the sky. What’s happening in Maui is not the actual apocalypse, but pray for the Hawaiian people and this terrible situation.

Nurse Diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis After COVID Vaccine Sues Former Employer
An Ohio nurse permanently injured by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine after her employer threatened her with the loss of health benefits if she refused to be vaccinated is suing her former employer and Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, alleging her vaccine injuries were work-related”.

“Disease X” Was Rehearsed at “Clade X” Are We About to See A New Plandemic? 
We are hearing that UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an “insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown “Disease X”. In the same way as COVID-19 was rehearsed at Event 201, It would seem that Disease X” was also rehearsed at “Clade X”. Could it be that we are being prepared for a new plandemic?

BREAKING: Bridgen to Sunak: Recall parliament immediately to halt the covid booster programme 
“Given the gravity of the peer-reviewed revelation, it would appear that parliament should be recalled immediately to review the latest scientific material and call a halt to the roll-out of the booster programme.”

The post 10 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.