10 Jan 2024

Shallow 6.0 earthquake hits off coast of Noto Peninsula, site of destructive 7.6 earthquake on Jan 1
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.0 hit off the coast of Noto Peninsula, Japan at 08:59 UTC on January 9, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The USGS is reporting M5.9 at a depth of 10 km.

Monsoon to drench parts of northern Australia with heavy rains
Parts of northern Australia, including Darwin, are bracing for their first monsoon of the season, with forecasts predicting up to 600 mm (23.6 inches) of rain in a week, potentially leading to widespread flooding and cyclone activity.

Florida State Guard activated as destructive tornadoes strike panhandle region
The Florida panhandle was hit by at least three tornadoes on the morning of Tuesday, January 9, 2024, as reported by the National Weather Service (NWS), leading to widespread damage and prompting school closures across several counties.

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Being”
“Directed Energy is being weaponized,” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves,” according to Peter Koenig , a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Peter warns that we must recognize the diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them and spread the information on the “brain as the ongoing and next battlefield.

Analysis Shows Biased Reporting Towards Israeli Narratives
The mainstream media has long been known for its biased news reporting, resulting in the control over public opinion which aligns with the partisan views of publications’ owners. The MSM coverage throughout the COVID era, possibly more than any other time, seems to have alerted many individuals to this fact and has resulted in a less passive and more distrusting consumer who then shift towards social media for news in order to arrive at a more balanced perspective.

‘Al Capone Method’: The Antisemitic Harvard President Resigned… But Not For What You Think 
…It didn’t take long for the world to stop talking about the 1,200 Israelis brutally maimed, burned, raped, and murdered, not to mention the over 200 hostages. Within a week, much of the planet was focusing on what they have since called a “humanitarian crisis in Gaza.” Don’t get me wrong; the Palestinians stuck in Gaza are in dire need of essentials such as food, water, medical help, and shelter (not to mention Yeshua’s salvation). This being said, they are not stuck because Israel is keeping them there but because Hamas is.

‘On the Koran, F*** France, F*** All Your Dead, White Sons of B*****s’: Conservative Parliamentary Aid Almost Had His Throat Slit by a Muslim Migrant 
The attack serves as a stark reminder of the threats France faces regarding illegal immigration and the presence of Islamic migrants.

More hard evidence that the wind turbine industry is harming whales
The push by the US government, the wind industry and the news media to build industrial wind projects proven to kill whales is the biggest environmental scandal in the world, says Michael Shellenberger… “We won a big victory last year, in helping to halt a wind project off the coast of New Jersey,” Shellenberger says.  Unfortunately, plans are moving forward on the wind projects along the rest of the East Coast.  “If they go forward, they will make the North Atlantic right whale extinct.”

Attorney discovers “smoking gun evidence” that covid injections are pre-meditated murder
American Attorney Thomas Renz reviewed the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) ‘Guidance for Industry’ documents and discovered what he believes is “smoking gun evidence” of pre-meditated murder. “There’s no other conclusion that I can draw … This is the smoking gun evidence that proves they knew that the gene therapy products they masqueraded as ‘vaccines’ had the ability to shed, cause cancer and kill,” he said.

Some of the studies published last year linking heart conditions in young people to covid injections
A growing body of worldwide evidence has found an increased risk of heart problems in young people following Covid vaccination.

The post 10 Jan 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.