12 Aug 2024

An Encompassing Curtain of Evil on Earth


Mistress of ‘Jesus Christ Money Master’ author also imprisoned for role in stealing from elderly. The couple defrauded over 190 people, many older Christians, of over $31 million.

“…there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies…. And many shall follow their pernicious ways…. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you” (2 Peter 2:1-3).

Pontifical Academy for Life priest says ‘we have to rethink’ teaching on homosexuality. Fr. Maurizio Chiodi said, “This sexual orientation does not depend on their decision. The question for a homosexual person is to live their sexuality by recognizing their vocation to relationships capable of closeness, care, communion, and fidelity to the other, and by seeking the good that is concretely possible for them.”

‘Transgender’ Catholic ‘hermit’ joins gender-confused women at Fr. James Martin’s LGBT conference.

What motivates Pope Francis’ attempts to normalize homosexual relationships? The most probable answer is that he’s s afflicted with same-sex attractions.

Can you see the doctrine of demons? Ken Mikle and Alex Newman discuss the doctrine of demons influencing children/youth. Because of it, we have collapsing families, churches, even a country.

Worshipping madness: the new world order demands a new god. At the opening ceremony of the Olympics, did we witness a mockery of The Last Supper or was it, as claimed, the Feast of Dionysus? The world is once again, divided, and both sides are standing their ground on what they perceived. However, this time, we’re dealing with demonic deception on a global scale.

  • And its hatred of Christianity

Sen. Mike Lee warns of ‘increased hostility’ toward Christianity in Washington, DCto a degree unprecedented in US history. Also, everyone in DC knew Biden was senile.

UK High Court ruling shows teaching profession ‘not a safe place to navigate for Christians.’ The judge ruled that Christian math teacher Joshua Sutcliffe should continue to be banned from the profession indefinitely for refusing to use preferred pronouns of a girl identifying as a boy.

China sentences ill Christian elder to 5 years in prison. Zhang has already been detained for nearly 3 ½ years after he inquired of the police as to the whereabouts of 10 fellow church members apprehended during a police raid at a private property where a church retreat was being held.

  • Islam’s Incursion

Iran-linked plotter who may have targeted Trump arrested in New York. A Pakistani national was charged with murder-for-hire as part of plot to assassinate a U.S. politician or government official, potentially in response to the Trump administration’s 2020 killing of Iranian General Soleimani.

“What’s Our Excuse” Summary from Hal Lindsey Report: Palestinians have been deluded by evil mind manipulation. But why do millions of Americans side with Hamas? ‘Palestinian’ children are born into an environment that glorifies death. A Sesame Street-like TV program on a Hamas-affiliated station featured Farfour, a character who looked like Mickey Mouse but taught children to hate the US and Israel. To the children’s horror, fictional Israelis beat the fictional mouse to death. It was presented to them as good news in one way because Farfour achieved martyrdom in the Hamas death cult.

  • Hatred of Jews and Israel

Two Israeli civilians killed, two wounded in terror stabbing attack. The terrorist stabbed the victims at three locations in a park before being shot dead by a police officer.

‘Knife in every Jew’s throat’: Belgian columnist’s chilling words highlight escalating global hatred toward Jews. Herman Briusselmans, a prominent Flemish novelist and columnist, wrote a deeply antisemitic column published in Belgium’s HUMO magazine. “I am so angry that I want to push a sharp knife in the throat of every Jew I come across,” he wrote.

  • Pervasive Perversion

‘Weird’ that Democrats want ‘sexually explicit books in toddlers’ libraries.’ Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, also said it’s weird that the far-left wants to allow biological males to beat the [expletive] out of women in boxing and for a presidential candidate to bail convicted murderers/rapists out of prison; that’s what Kamala did.

Massachusetts Bill Would Eliminate ‘Mother’ From Birth Certificates. Its Senate passed a bill that would remove gendered language from birth certificates, erasing traditional family roles and language from the document.

Setup? Liberty University sued by ACLU for firing male employee who now identifies as ‘trans woman.’ The fact that Zinski announced his “transition” a few months after beginning employment prompted speculation that it may be a setup to force a transgender “discrimination” case into the court system in order to effect change.

More on Paris “Woke-Lympics”: descent into perversion, blasphemy, & abuse of women. Far from a celebration of athletic prowess & unity, this event is widely criticized as a blasphemous, perverse spectacle that mocked Christianity & celebrated the macabre. It smacked of cannibalism, ritualistic Satanism, & all sorts of disgusting themes, epitomizing evil debauchery. Includes photos/videos.

  • And The Abortion Abomination

Kamala Harris & late-term abortion: cold-blooded abomination. Visualize a baby within a week of birth. Then picture an abortionist viciously destroying the life of this defenseless child made in God’s image. How could anyone support this barbaric practice? Harris has refused to condemn late-term abortion. Her running mate Tim Walz signed a bill for abortions up to birth and allowing infanticide, letting babies die who survive abortions. Progressives advocate the same. 9 states plus D.C have no restrictions – more radical than most of liberal Europe & on par with countries like China & North Korea.


UK: 17-year-old charged with murder following deadly knife attack in Southport.Three children, ages 6-9 were killed during a dance and yoga class. Eight other children and two adults suffered serious to critical injuries. The perpetrator (turned 18 this week) is the son of Rwandan immigrants who came to the UK before he was born. Two riots ensued after the killings. Dozens of police and 3 police dogs were injured, and there was an attack on a mosque. Update: More protests and riots.


Their coming One-World Godless government. UN signs pact of the future in less than 60 days. With little time until UN’s Summit of the Future & potential declaration of a Planetary Emergency, we must warn the public about this meeting & its danger to national sovereignty, thus individual sovereignty.

Nothing New About World Economic Forum’s overreaching agenda.Many have heard of the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, ESG scores, 15-minute cities, and Sustainable Development. Many believe these came into being after the 2020 “pandemic.” However, roots of these agendas go back over 90 years!

And their deliberate border disorder and its consequences:

‘Raped, strangled to death’: New ad campaign warns against Kamala’s border policies.

13,000 unvetted aliens entered New York illegally from Canada.

Anti-immigration protests in the UK spread as Elon Musk warns, “Civil war is inevitable.”

Denmark will strengthen border controls with Sweden following a resurgence of gang violence.


Kamala’s new running mate Tim Walz offered teens bribes for taking COVID jab . He also signed an executive order making Minnesota a sanctuary for gender transitions, and he signed into law a “right” to unlimited abortion, putting the North Star State on par with the likes of North Korea.

Minnesota business owner unloads on Walz for being ‘complete dictator’ during Covid pandemic. “Really an evil person…. He actually made it illegal for families to gather for Christmas and Thanksgiving,”

Hurricane Debby blows 70 pounds of cocaine onto Florida Keys beach – street value over $1 million.

Concerning percentage of dark chocolate contain levels of heavy metals that exceed guidelines. See a 2022 report showing 5 of the 28 brands tested that are safer choices.

Africa CDC likely to declare monkeypox public health emergency.


The wheels have started to come off for U.S. economy; worst yet to come.The Sahm Rule is used to provide an early recession signal: A recession is likely when the 3-month moving average of the jobless rate is higher than the 12-month low. Over the past 3 months, this has occurred. The Sahm Rule has successfully predicted every recession since 1970. It seems inevitable that the unemployment rate will go higher; large companies all over the U.S. continue to shed workers.

On Monday, the Dow crashed 1,000 points; Nasdaq lost 3.4% as recession fears fueled market panic. A confluence of risk factors sparked the sharp decline, including concern over a weak July job report. Some believe the Fed should implement an emergency interest rate cut.


Debby leaves 8 dead; heavy rainfall, significant flood threats continue in parts of Mid-Atlantic & Northeast.


Robust aftershock sequence with over 450 earthquakes after Aug. 7th 5.2 quake in Southern California.

Japan issued first-ever megaquake warning after 7.1 hit near coast of Kyushu. The advisory warns that if a major quake were to occur in the future, strong shaking & large tsunamis would be generated.


Brazilian authorities are investigating the cause of the fiery plane crash that killed 62.


Pentagon refuses to rule out strikes on Russia in shocking exchange on Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk.

Singh still tried to point out that it remains US policy for Ukraine to avoid striking deep into Russia using American arms; however, when pressed about a direct attack on Moscow, she said: “I’m not going to put a specific range on it” and thus refused to rule it out.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Confirms Arrival of U.S. F-22 Jets in Middle East to Control Tensions.

Western intelligence sources say Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av, the Jewish day of disaster, which begins this year on August 12-13. Many disasters have befallen Israel on that day in history. Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with its proxy Hezbollah.

Fuse of Gog-Magog War beginning to burn. The Middle East powder keg is being ignited like never before…. We’re far down the road to the Gog-Magog war, & ultimately to Armageddon, another sign of the nearness of the coming of Christ. We need to be ready in how we live & what we do to prepare.

Kings of the East: China’s Malicious Influence in the Middle East. Over a dozen ‘Palestinian’ factions signed a joint declaration in Beijing to create an interim unity government that would operate in the West Bank and Gaza. The deal has no implementation mechanism, but it raised eyebrows, mostly for the wrong reasons.

Iran’s IRGC deputy commander says Khamenei’s order to harshly punish Israel will be carried out.

Iran says it will attack any Arab country that attempts to intervene in its attack on Israel. Other nations helped Israel in April when Iran launched a massive drone attack. This is a huge development; Iran is broadening its threats in the region.

US, UK urge citizens to leave Lebanon as tensions escalate: ‘Book any ticket available.’ The US embassy also advised against traveling to Lebanon due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, unexploded landmines, and risk of armed conflict. The advisories align with similar statements from other nations.

Iran warns that Hezbollah will begin targeting Israeli civilians, claiming it hasn’t done so until now.

Terrorists who murdered three Israelis eliminated in West Bank. Nine terrorists were eliminated who were on their way to carry out a terror attack. They were responsible for many terrorist attacks.

Israel Air Force struck Hezbollah military structure in Lebanon Tuesday where terrorists were located and operating. The fighter jets also struck a Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure site.

‘We strike in Beirut, Yemen, wherever necessary,’ Netanyahu warns. “Iran and its minions are looking to surround us in a stranglehold of terrorism. We are determined to stand against them on every front and in every arena – near and far. Whoever seeks to harm us will pay a very heavy price.”


Don’t stay silent as the world runs headlong into the judgment of God. Romans 1:28, “Just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind.” We need to warn that judgment is coming! At death, opportunity for salvation ends, and no one knows when they’ll die. 2 Corinthians 6:2, “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” If you’ve never turned to Him, do it now. If you have, tell others. Share the good news! People need to know, and it’s our job to tell them.


The post 12 Aug 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.