17 Aug 2023

Taxpayer Funded Museum in Minneapolis Holds ‘Demon Summoning’ Event For Children 
The Walker Art Center, a taxpayer funded museum in Minneapolis, held a “playful demon summoning session” for families and children, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”

Joe Biden Announces ‘New World Order Is Here’, There Is No US Election 
Joe Biden couldn’t have made it clearer in a disturbing speech that was completely suppressed by the mainstream media this week – the US election for the President of the United States is rigged. The establishment have selected their President and by hook or crook he will be “re-elected.”

Euphrates River’s water level hits historic low at Tabqa Dam, Syria
The water level of the Euphrates River has plummeted drastically over the past three weeks, reaching a concerning historical low at Tabqa Dam, Syria. This alarming decline has left the Alouk water station non-functional since June 23, impacting close to one million residents of the Hassakeh governorate in various vital sectors.

Floods and mudslides claim 21 lives, leave 6 missing in Xi’an, China 
Mudslides and floods triggered by excessive summer rains took a devastating toll in the northwestern Chinese city of Xian, Shaanxi Province, on Friday, August 11, 2023, causing 21 deaths and leaving 6 individuals unaccounted for.

Five villages in Tenerife evacuated amidst escalating wildfire threat 
A rapidly spreading wildfire, which ignited on Tuesday night, August 15, 2023, in a Tenerife national park, has since spread across 300 ha (741 acres), leading to the evacuation of five villages and sealing off the forest near Mount Teide volcano.

Strong M6.5 earthquake hits Vanuatu at intermediate depth
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit Vanuatu at 12:47 UTC on August 16, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 193 km (119 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
I have been repeatedly warning our readers that the most imminent threat to our privacy and ability to conduct our lives without being continually tracked by the Government and the Globalists is the adoption of biometric IDs, where one has to scan a body part, such as palms, faces, eyes, etc., in order to conduct business and participate in society.

Book Attempting to Link Maui Tragedy to Climate Change Published Before Fires Extinguished
A climate-change pushing propaganda book was published on Amazon while the fires raged in Maui.Although the fires continued until at least August 11th, a book chronicling the “events of August 8-11, 2023,” was published August 10th.

Eventbrite Nukes Events Promoting Child Protection As ‘Hateful’
Online ticketing platform Eventbrite recently unpublished two events from Purple for Parents Indiana, an organization fighting to protect children from indoctrination and sexualization in schools.

CBDCs coming? Australian fears of cashless society rise as major banks restrict withdrawals 
Headlines across the globe see Australia making aggressive moves towards a cashless society, a move that gravely threatens the last bastions of economic privacy and individual autonomy. Are Australia’s major banks merely championing the cutting edge of financial convenience, or is there a more pernicious hidden agenda seeping into our digital economy? It certainly appears that Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the potential beneficiaries of a cashless society, could become the shackles of a future technocratic authoritarian world.

Biden Promises Aid for ‘Climate Migrants’ in Weather Channel Interview
The Weather Channel is promoting the open-ended claim migrants should be allowed to enter the United States if their homelands are damaged by “extreme weather” — and President Joe Biden is eager to say yes.

New York City plans to house migrants on an island in the East River
New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams, announced a plan on Monday to house as many as 2,000 migrants on an island in the East River where a migrant center was set up last year and then taken down weeks later.

Children aged seven to be given NHS trans treatment
Children aged seven could be offered transgender treatment at the NHS’s new gender clinic.

The following exposé presents the clearest evidence yet proving the existence of a highly organized international crime syndicate formed specifically to suppress the truth about the extremely dangerous and deadly COVID-19 ‘vaccines’.  Not only did the formulators of the Covid injections know that they were producing an extremely sophisticated bioweapon, they painstakingly executed a complex conspiratorial plot to cover up their long-planned genocide.

Target Sales Slide After Company Pushes Trans-Satanist Artist’s Attire for Children
In June, JP Morgan downgraded their outlook for Target as the retailer continues to suffer through its longest losing streak in 23 years.

Trudeau Liberals launch $4.3 million campaign to fund contraception, abortion for indigenous people 
The Trudeau Liberals announced that they will be spending $4.3 million to fund access to contraception and abortion to indigenous people under the pretense of “health care” and “sexual and reproductive rights.”

United Nations Climate Chief Conducts “Doomsday” Interview Revealing That Globalist Leaders Must Become “Ringmasters” in Pushing Green Agenda 
The top climate scientist at the United Nations is convinced that the only way to forcefully transition the world economy away from earth-based fossil fuels and straight into the “green” abyss is for world leaders to step up as “ringmasters or ringmistresses” to whip the people into shape!

Hawaii Gov. in Aftermath of Deadly Maui Wildfires: “I’m Already Thinking of Ways for State to Acquire That Land”
The Hawaiian governor Josh Green revealed plans for the state to potentially purchase properties in the seaside town of Lahaina, which was devastated by the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history

BREAKING: Canadian policewoman faces disciplinary tribunal after querying SIDS cases post-covid injection
Constable Helen Grus began probing into an emerging pattern of unusual sudden infant deaths (“SIDS”) after the rollout of covid mRNA injections in Ottawa. Grus is now facing a disciplinary tribunal.  She is being charged with discreditable conduct for querying the Ottawa Police Service (“OPS”) database in an attempt to discern whether a pattern of SIDS cases was emerging and if adequate information was being collected about the probable cause.

Never forget: The people who became billionaires from covid
In March 2021, nearly every country in the world had more billionaires than they did at the outset of the pandemic in mid-March 2020.  Amongst these new billionaires were 40 people who became new billionaires practically overnight solely from covid. At the same time that these billionaires were getting richer, hundreds of millions were getting poorer and hundreds of millions more were driven to extreme poverty.

Scientists discussed editing the human genome as a way to solve “climate change” years ago 
At the 2016 World Science Festival, a panellist openly discussed using genetic engineering of humans to “address climate change.”  He went on to give two examples of how editing the human genome could mitigate “climate change.”

The post 17 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.