19 Aug 2024
Get Rid of the Smart People
Amotz Asa-El is a well-known Israeli writer. Like many in Media, he moves in a community of elites, a bubble that never bursts for people with the luxury of living in a theoretical world.
For them, telling the truth is on the same level as inserting weirdness and wacky analysis. Sometimes they write very insightful, smart things. And in the next sentence, they veer off the reservation at breakneck speed.
Witness Asa-El’s column in the Jerusalem Post this week. He does a good job describing how smart or dumb certain American presidents have been regarding Israel. Asa-El understands very well that Jimmy Carter was a disaster, giving us a lethal Iran. He appears to understand what Obama was a failure, and at least partly explains George W. Bush’s failed foreign policies by chalking it up to naivete, but he seems to race his car off the cliff when analyzing Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
Asa-El keeps his credentials with the Left by calling Trump a “fraudster” (that’s his only comments on the President that moved the embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights!). But he misses wildly on Harris. He seems to give her a nod as some sort of successful prosecutor (really?) but also seems not to know where she would really land on Israel if she manages to possess the White House (pun intended) like the current usurper and fraud. He wonders if she would govern closer to Truman, or closer to Obama.
The mind reels.
Really, sir? Asa-El wonders whether Harris will be more like Harry Truman or more like Barack Obama in terms of Israel policy. Even though she tries to placate the murderous, stupid pro-Hamas mobs.
He writes that Obama was “clueless about foreign affairs.” Was he? I think not. Obama was a cold, calculating Marxist who did exactly what he set out to do: burn the Middle East to the ground. He winked at the Muslim Brotherhood and other terror proxies, while showing his fangs to Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi. These things destabilized the Middle East in ways that are still being felt. In fact, the duplicitous Obama understood foreign affairs very well, being schooled in totalitarianism since he was a teenager, and later making friends with Palestinian terrorists masquerading as activists and State Department consultants.
But for Asa-El, it’s possible that Kamala Harris will go one of two ways: statesmanlike and studied as Harry Truman, or sloppy like recent presidents from the Democrat Party.
Is he serious? Harris is the most vapid candidate for president in the history of the Republic. In fact, she is a fraud, a totally self-absorbed political hack that truly despises Israel and the Jews. She would be a disaster of historic proportions if she is installed.
Asa-El falls into the same tired trap other “intellectuals” do when it comes to current politics: repeat stale talking points about Donald Trump. They hate him with a passion because he wants to dismantle the global state and restore nationalism. In other words, he supports reality versus theoretical musings of Ivy League academics.
For an otherwise gifted writer to get Kamala Harris wrong is just stunning. My view is that Trump is crystal-clear the only statesman in the world today with the smarts, and (yes) morals and principles to right the ship.
Harris on the other hand is a ghoul, a goblin, a devil who believes nothing that she says to gullible audiences. She is for Kamala. And for the most part, she’s dumb. Her lunatic public statements are mind-boggling. As they say, her word salad answers to serious questions reveal a person void of right thinking. She promises to ON DAY ONE to fix economic problems she won’t fix right now, even though she is the only functioning member of the Biden-Harris duo. She’s a liar. Her promise to fix things on day one, when she held a major role in destroying the economy, borders on psychopathic. How could anyone follow her and support her?
How could an Israeli writer support her, when all indications are that she would be an anti-Semitic devil in the White House? Amotz Asa-El, she is an existential threat to your nation and your people. Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House, and it’s not close. Not close at all.
Even Truman, who cemented his place in heaven (I kid, sort of) by recognizing the new Jewish state in 1948, would not allow a Jew in his home, because his Jew-hating wife Bess would not allow a Jew in her home. True story.
Trump and Melania, on the other hand, welcome many Jews, and back-up their warm feelings by enacting policies that protect Israel.
For at least 30 years, the “smart people,” the journalists, politicians, diplomats and statesmen…have made decisions—every single time—that endanger the Jewish state.
Maybe the smart people should sit this one out.
The post 19 Aug 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.