19 July 2024

Severe storms, at least 4 tornadoes hit New York State 
Severe storms and at least four tornadoes hit New York state on July 17, 2024, causing significant destruction, killing at least one person, and leaving over 110,000 homes without power.

NWS confirms 25 tornadoes in the Chicago area on July 14 and 15
Strong thunderstorms that wreaked havoc across the Chicago area on July 14 and 15, 2024, spawned at least 25 tornadoes, left one person dead, and over 430,000 customers without power.

Very bright fireball explodes over Brazil with an impact energy of 1.5 kt 
A very bright fireball was observed over Monsenhor Hipólito, Piauí, northeastern Brazil, at 03:10 UTC on July 13, 2024. The recorded magnitude for the fireball was -19.5, making it approximately 500 times brighter than the full moon.

Over 3,500 Olympic Job Applicants Fail Checks for Terror and Security Risks
Over 3,500 applicants for jobs connected to the Olympics in Paris, France, scheduled from July 26 to August 11, have been rejected due to concerns over terror links and security threats.

CDC joins Pfizer affiliate in sponsoring pro-LGBT public school event for fifth graders 
A pharmaceutical company linked to Pfizer spent $10,000 to sponsor an LGBT event through the Chicago Public Schools that taught kids how to present themselves as the opposite sex without their parents knowing.

Top vaccinologist admits vaccine safety has never been adequately studied – LifeSite
Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well-studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite.

New study proposes aliens could be ‘walking among us’
A new study by scientists at Harvard and Montana Tech universities presented the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, which contends that Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) — commonly known as UFOs — may have hidden earthly origins and involve advanced terrestrial civilizations. This puts into question the current extraterrestrial explanation and encourages scientists to be open to unorthodox possibilities.

‘Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children’: California Gov. Signs First Of It’s Kind Anti-Parental Notification Bill
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill this week that allows schools to hide information from parents about their child’s gender identity.

Civilian authorities in northern Israel carry out drills, prepare for all-out war with Hezbollah
Although an Israeli security official has publicly played down the possibility of any imminent full-scale war with Hezbollah, civilian, electrical and medical facilities in northern Israel are preparing for any scenario.

The Left Has Been Trying To Come Up With Wild Conspiracy Theories About The Trump Shooting, But They Are Failing Badly
Ever since the moment that Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the left has been pushing wild conspiracy theories all over the Internet.  Unfortunately for the left, their conspiracy theories are so ridiculous that most rational people immediately see right through them.  Yes, there are legitimate questions that need to be asked about what really happened at that rally,

Ashura in Kashmir: Celebrations Marked by Hatred for Israel, Provocation Towards Hindus, and a Reminder of the Islamic Takeover 
The observance of Muharram in 2024 highlights the ongoing Islamic takeover, marked by heightened sectarian violence, extremist displays, and the persistent threat to societal harmony, particularly in regions like Kashmir where non-Muslims face relentless persecution and cultural erasure.

‘Submit to Allah Infidels’: Deadly Islamic Threats Target Paris Church, Mary Knifed in Throat 
Archbishop Lefebvre’s prophetic warning to the French to ask the government to stop Islam, based on his belief that the two religions could not coexist, resulted in persecution, yet his prescient message now resonates as a glaring reality in France today.

Sharia Michigan: Islamic Supremacists Seize Control of the Streets in Dearborn for Ashura
The event led by Imam Husham Al-Husainy, an Iranian government mouthpiece, has sparked significant concerns due to his inflammatory rhetoric, dangerous affiliations, hostility towards America, and support for Sharia.

European Court of Justice says that Pfizer is liable for damage if its covid vaccine is defective
On Wednesday, the European Court of Justice ruled that the European Commission was wrong to conceal details of its multi-billion euro deals for covid vaccines. Ursula von der Leyen was already under scrutiny for allegedly keeping secret and deleting text messages with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla over vaccine purchases in a controversy dubbed “Deletegate.” Wednesday’s court ruling is separate to that case.

Czechia data shows that Moderna covid injections are more deadly than Pfizer
Official government data obtained through a Freedom of Formation Act request from the Czech Republic shows that all-cause mortality Moderna’s covid injection was higher than after Pfizer-BioNTech’s injection by over 50%.

Do not resuscitate protocols have become a form of eugenics
If you slap a ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ notice on a patient, with or without their permission, you are condemning them to death. Refusing treatment to patients solely because of their age or fitness is a form of eugenics. It seems that social cleansing is alive and well in Britain today. If you aren’t saving people (when you could do so), then you are killing them.

Biggest Drug Bust in Nation’s History: More Than 4 Tons of Narcotics Found in Sugar Shipment
Authorities in Paraguay announced Tuesday the largest cocaine seizure in the country’s history, after officials were surprised to find more than 4 tons of the drug stashed inside a shipment of sugar bound for Belgium.

‘Overseers’ appointed for evangelical congregations at odds with CofE same-sex blessings
The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has appointed a group of ‘overseers’ to provide informal alternative spiritual oversight (ASO) to clergy and parishes that cannot for reasons of conscience support the introduction of same-sex blessings.

The post 19 July 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.