2 Aug 2023

July 2023 marks Japan’s highest recorded temperature, surpassing 1978’s record 
An analysis by the Asahi Shimbun, based on data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), indicates that July 2023 was the hottest month in Japan since modern records began in the late 19th century. The previous record was set in 1978, making this the first time in 45 years that it has been surpassed.

At least 11 dead, 27 missing as remnants of Typhoon “Doksuri” drop record-breaking rain on Beijing, China
The remnants of Typhoon “Doksuri” dropped extremely heavy rains over Beijing and neighboring regions from July 29 to August 1, 2023, leaving at least 11 people dead and another 27 missing. Doksuri made landfall in Jinjiang, Fujian province around 02:00 UTC on July 28 as the strongest typhoon to hit Fujian since 2016. Before hitting China, Doksuri left at least 52 people dead in the Philippines.

10 Signs That We Really Are Living In Apocalyptic Times
Time is running out for humanity…On a very basic level, most people can feel that global events are starting to spiral out of control.  Evil is growing all around us, and just about everything that our leaders do to solve our rapidly growing problems seems to make them even worse.  The pace of change just keeps getting faster and faster, and many fear that this will soon lead to widespread chaos all over the globe.  The following are 10 signs that we really are living in apocalyptic times…

MILITARY: “Bless The LORD Oh My Soul”
This is so good! A lot of top people in our Government and Military are corrupt, but the literal boots on the ground are GOOD people. You already know that, but this video will send it over the edge. This just makes you want to stand up and sing with them. Watch as these soldiers band together and sing Matt Redman’s 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord).

Many people fully vaccinated for covid are now going BLIND
We have heard all about the many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis post-injection, as well as recipients repeatedly testing “positive” for the virus even after doing the deed. But there is another concerning side effect occurring in the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that is rarely mentioned: blindness.

If You’re A WEF-Branded ‘Conspiracy Theorist’, You Must Be Anti-Semitic
Yet it is Jesus Christ—and only Jesus Christ—Who can save the world from unelected world “elites” and their evil, ongoing and fundamentally SICK depopulation program…“Harari condemned the theory that a shadowy elite of billionaires and globalists control the world, he called it “anti-Semitic” and “dangerous.” “Anti-Semitic”? Just a minute, brainiac Harari. Does that mean that the Great Reset, all the globalists and New World Order pushers are Jewish? What kind of anti-semitism is that?

Zelensky uses martial law to avoid election
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Wednesday proposed to extend the state of emergency, thereby effectively canceling parliamentary elections scheduled for October.

FDA Approves New Anthrax Vaccine for Adults Despite Lack of Publicly Available Information on Testing, Ingredients
…“The fact that there is no label available, there is no information on how it was tested, what placebo was used, et cetera — that all adds to the consternation and concern people should have about the value of this product,” Nass added.

Salmonella from ground beef sold at ShopRite hospitalizes six people
A salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef resulted in at least six hospitalizations across four states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“It’s Time” – OpenAI’s Sam Altman Launches Iris-Scanning Crypto Plan To ‘Verify’ Every Human Online
…Last week we presciently discussed the somewhat dystopian outlook for an iris-scanning ‘World ID’ project to identify every human online: “Something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [you are human] on the internet, whether you like it or not,” WorldCoin CEO Alex Blania said.

Scientists To Sideline Women With Eggs Made From Male Cells
The campaign to erase women has officially escalated to leaving them out of the sacred act of reproduction.

Costa Coffee Chain In The UK Draws Outrage After Advert Featuring A Transgender Man With Scars From Elective Double Mastectomy Surgery 
All over the world, there is a movement on to normalize some of the very same things that Josef Mengele did to his victims at places like the Auschwitz and Ravensbrück concentration camps during WWII. The very idea of encouraging kids to willingly undergo surgery that for women cuts off their breasts and removes their reproductive systems, and for men castrates them either chemically or surgically is an appalling dystopian nightmare that should be prosecuted, and not celebrated. Mengele would be thrilled if he could look up from where he is now to see what’s going on.

Chino Valley School District Votes to Inform Parents of Gender Confused Kids. Death & Mutilation Threats Follow 
…The new Chino Valley (California) Unified School District Board of Education policy states that school officials will notify parents in writing within three days if a child seeks to “identify” as a gender “other than the student’s biological sex,” use different pronouns, adopt a different name, or use the restroom or join a sports team of the opposite sex.

US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency For Decade Of Vaccines 
The US has created a permanent new pandemic agency called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy in anticipation of future pandemics and the Decade of Vaccines. President Joe Biden has appointed a retired Air Force general to take charge of spearheading the project.

Fact Check Team: 200 school districts suing social media giants over student mental health 
Schools are taking on social media giants including Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube, asserting that the platforms have caused their students harm – particularly regarding issues like cyberbullying and mental health issues linked to social media usage.

Editor of The Irish Light: “Journalism is not a crime”
The editor of The Irish Light, multi-award-winning journalist Gemma O’Doherty, has been accused of using an image of a young man who has died without the permission of his mother.  The image, previously widely published online, is included as one of many in a collage within one of the newspaper’s articles. “Gemma has been falsely accused of harassment in a kangaroo court for writing a piece of journalism asking why so many young people are dying.

FOI response proves Australian government is actively censoring citizens on social media 
Yesterday, a response was received to a Freedom of Information Act (“FOI”) request which includes evidence that the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care (“DHAC”) were colluding with Facebook to censor posts about covid vaccine injuries. The FOI response is heavily redacted but the evidence is clear.

‘Their Terrifying Plan’: Unmasking the Globalists 
“For over a year I’ve known I had to write a book exploring and explaining how the conspirators planned their takeover of the world, how they conceived the idea of using fake scares (such as covid-19 and climate change) and how American banks (using the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS) have taken over one country after another. My new book explains everything. It’s very, very scary and packed with facts.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman

The Rise Of The “Superbugs” Is A Catastrophic Long-Term Health Crisis That Threatens To Kill Hundreds Of Millions Of People
The rise of the “superbugs” is here.  The death toll is already in the millions each year, and it won’t be too long before “superbugs” are killing tens of millions of people each year.  In my last book I identified a number of long-term trends that threaten to collapse our society, and now you can add this one to the list.  The clock really is ticking for humanity, but most people in the general population simply do not understand what we are facing.  They just assume that life will go on as it always has, but that is simply not going to be possible.

The post 2 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.