Month: June 2010

Off The Deep End

Two Saturdays ago was a really special day in the Richard household. After a fun time of rotating my tires, we took the kids to the mall for a bit of shopping in preparation of the girls' trip to Michigan in a week and a half. (Even I got some stuff. A... »

29. I am thankful for the "hurts" in life…

This is the "hardest" reason to be thankful--to date. But I am so thankful for the times of pain and hurt in my life, both deserved and those times when it was undeserved.I remember almost five years ago when someone I dearly loved perpetrated great e... » – Upcoming Elections In America - Upcoming Elections In America »

The Time I Looked Down the Barrel of a Gun

The Time I Looked Down the Barrel of a Gun

For whatever reason, I find myself in the most precarious situations.  Once, I walked up on a bulldozer trucking along barreling over trees, headed straight for a church parking when I was on staff at North Cleveland COG.  I quickly learned how to drive a bulldozer…lucky I didn’t get run over in the process.  People [...] »