Bulgarian Churches in Spain http://goo.gl/2LqWl #ourCOG
Bulgarian Churches in Spain http://goo.gl/2LqWl #ourCOG »
Bulgarian Churches in Spain http://goo.gl/2LqWl #ourCOG »
OK… so… IF… IF mercy is: “The force of God’s refusal to join us in any identity other than the identity He has declared for us in His word.” … (Remember I said, “IF!”) Then…. Mercy is essentially God sa... »
I received an email from one of my "Internet friends" (someone whom I've never met, but we've been communicating by email, messaging boards and phone calls now for about 11 years. In this email, he had sent me a bit of information about a man named Dav... »
I know I'll catch some flack for this... but I LOVE this song! »