What is this new exegetical website every one is talking about? Do you know? http://probible.net/ #ourCOG
What is this new exegetical website every one is talking about? Do you know? http://probible.net/ #ourCOG »
What is this new exegetical website every one is talking about? Do you know? http://probible.net/ #ourCOG »
First of all… I didn’t plan a part 3… it just happened (it was a hostile takeover I guess – LOL!) Remember, we have been considering how Hebrews 12:3 may apply to us (if you didn’t get yesterday’s devotional let me k... »
Google to Post Dead Sea Scrolls Online: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insideisrael/2010/October/Google-To-Post-Dead-Sea-Scrolls-Online/ #ourCOG »
After a filling afternoon of turkey and so much more, Lucy has fallen asleep on the guest bed. What a great Thanksgiving! I am so full of hope and thanks! »