Taboo, Toni Morrison, and sexual abuse. #ourCOG
Taboo, Toni Morrison, and sexual abuse. #ourCOG »
Taboo, Toni Morrison, and sexual abuse. #ourCOG »
I am still reeling from the experience we had at Renovatus yesterday, debuting Taboo by opening tough issues of sexual abuse, violence, and past wounds. While walking with unusual boldness against our enemy who trembles beneath me, I speak with fragility of such a sacred, holy experience. It is frightful and altogether wonderful to see [...] »
I just believe that most people have a heart to help little children who are hurting. After all, you’d have to be a pretty big scoundrel to hear about hungry kids and not want to feed them – right? “Heart” is not the problem. “Head” is the problem. We’ve heard too much and seen too [...] »
@dasjr @BroKEV83 @mdmcmullin @jonathanstone Yes, Sir. Do not wait for updates on this… #ourCOG »