Month: January 2011

Ministry of Church and Pastor with Drs. Paul L. and Mark Walker. #OurCOG

Ministry of Church and Pastor with Drs. Paul L. and Mark Walker. #OurCOG »

How can I reach out to a needy world? (Jonah 4:5-11)

Try to see the world through God’s eyes.A speaker from your church urges members to cook dinner once a month for a local homeless shelter. Habitat for Humanity wants to build four low-cost homes in your neighborhood. Your daughter wants to spend next... »

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in… #ourCOG

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in… #ourCOG »

Student Pastors: Speak to your students tonight w/boldness. Don’t apologize for… #ourCOG

Student Pastors: Speak to your students tonight w/boldness. Don’t apologize for… #ourCOG »