Month: January 2011

Learning to Love

Learning to Love

I was recently reading a book, "Crazy Love" written by Frances Chan and have to say that it shook me and challenged me... it even provoked me to give some serious thought about myself and my ministry. There is much that I could write about, but I'm onl... »

here is my thought for the day: missing to discover the world existing around you till now, does not make you a missionary pioneer #ourCOG

here is my thought for the day: missing to discover the world existing around you till now, does not make you a missionary pioneer #ourCOG »

@mobileminmag still broadcasting with Nokia 8500. It has been an awesome ministry tool #ourCOG #BibleTech

@mobileminmag still broadcasting with Nokia 8500. It has been an awesome ministry tool #ourCOG #BibleTech »

How Do You Know?

How do you know you are supposed to be where you are? How do you know that you are in the center of God’s will? How do you know whether another time and place is calling you? »